School Life

The Maverick School Life

At The Maverick School children are taught in mixed ability classes to ensure that each individual child’s needs are met. We support children with multiple and complex learning needs with SEN teachers present in specific classes. Additionally, children who require one to one therapy sessions are offered pull out sessions at some point during the day. Each child’s learning needs are tailored to their learning requirements and are supported and monitored closely to ensure they are progressing accordingly and meeting their desired learning milestones.

Pre-schoolers are allowed to float between classes at certain points in the day. This is to ensure that the Montessori Pedagogy of children learning from each other is fulfilled to help develop a sense of responsibility for and towards one another as well as developing social intelligence.

Whole class, group and individual teaching settings are provided both indoors, outdoors and sometimes off campus through excursions.

As a family oriented school, working hand in hand with parents to offer the best experiences for the children is of upmost importance. We enjoy events with parents such as school bbq’s, picnics, team building days, Christmas concerts etc. so we can get to know the parents beyond pickup and drop off.

After School Care

School sessions end at 2pm. However, parents have up until 4pm to pick up their children before a late payment charge applies.

Parents who require addition care after 4pm can speak to our staff and receive further information on childcare packages offered from 4pm to 9pm.

You can be assured that your child will be well fed, enjoy a smooth night time routine of being bathed, read to and soothed to sleep by 7.30pm before pickup.